Saturday 26 October 2013

Representation of migratory figure

The representation of the 'type' of Muslims, according to their migration status in the movie, is something I find problematic. At various points throughout the movie, it can be seen that the Muslims who migrated to India are shown as greedy and cowards. In the movie, we see this  connotation through usage of various phrases like 'bhaag gaye' ( ran away). Also, this impression is built upon through the character of Kazim. He calls his father an opportunist, who looks for profit in every circumstance ( In this case, it is the migration).This is how the writer paints every migratory figure. 
The director also highlights the plight that the Indian Muslims face following partition. By virtue of not migrating in the face of hardships, the Indian Muslims are given a sympathetic role in the movie, or so it seems.
Now, this portrayal creates bad impression of the ones who migrated. Even though, the movie acknowledges that the conditions were not good. It can also be said that this issue is not only highlighted in terms of Pakistani Muslims but might also be visible in terms of Hindus who migrated to India. In one of the scenes in the movie,I feel,  the character of the contemptuous Hindu man who migrated from Karachi to India  is not shown in a favourable manner. In light of these observations, it might be said that it is not the Pakistani Muslim migrant only that the writer has issues with but maybe with the migratory figure in partition, in general.

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