Saturday 16 November 2013

Bol and the Pakistani State

Bol has been criticized for trying to discuss every issue that Pakistan is dealing with. Opression of women, domestic violence, marginalization of women and transgenders, poverty, over population, rape, reformism in Islam, inefficacy of the bureaucracy. Excepting terrorism, there isn't any topic that Shoaib Mansur has not left out of the movie. However, I'm going to propose that we can look at this another way.

An artist's work is always a product of his surroundings or his environment. There can never be a protege in literature, precisely becuase you need to have experience 'life' to give your audience a narrative. Bol's narrative arc in many ways mimics the State's condition in trying to deal with all of these issues. In other words the way the State tries to deal with so many problems, so does an artist try to incorporate everything in his work and make his production chaotic. The narrative appears complete with the promise of redemption at the end of the movie with a background song 'mumkin hai...' - its possible and one should remain hopeful that things will get better. 

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