Saturday 30 November 2013

Hum dekhain gay

Jab zulm-o-sitam ke koh-e-garan
Rooi ki tarah ur jaenge
Hum mehkoomon ke paaon tale
Ye dharti dhar dhar dharkegi
Aur ahl-e-hakam ke sar oopar
Jab bijli kar kar karkegi

Above are some extracts taken from the poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz written in period of political unrest. The poet is promising the whole nation peace and justice through this poem. Faiz wrote this poem in 1979 to depict the cruel and corrupt Zia Ul Haq's dictatorship. It is important to note that this poem is work done in exile; Faiz was imprisoned for his outspoken stance at the political disruption in Pakistan. 

In my perspective these lines are extremely powerful. Faiz has used unconventional imagery to depict justice being done to the unjust politicians when he says that the 'dharti' these politicians own would turn against them and they would be sandwiched between the land and the lightening from the sky. The kind of punishments the poet imagines for them do not involve a second party (i.e the 'awaam') holding authority as to what should be done to them. Rather it is the very land and sky that would turn against them. The very same land and sky which they proudly own and control in name of a country. It is also to note that justice will only be brought if the 'dharti' pulsates loud and fast enough to scare these politicians. Giving 'dharti' humanistic qualities also expresses the love poet holds for his country. He values it like a living being.

We also see anger and rage expressed on behalf of the oppressed nation when Faiz uses 'lightening' in his imagination to destroy the tyrannies of dictators and dictatorship. 

Hence it can be concluded that this poem is written with emotional drives which heightened due to the feelings of exile, imprisonment and being punished for fighting for justice. 

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