Friday 20 September 2013

haleema's post

If we analyse closely, the names of the characters depict the impact partition had on them. The three names 'Zaheer', 'Bismillah' and 'Saeed' used for the characters in this short story add a lot to their roles. The literal meaning of Zaheer is ‘an ally or supporter’. Zaheer almost had the breakthrough of his career before the partition. However, he had to leave his career in India and restart in Pakistan. He became an ally of Bismillah- a Hindu captive, who is later discovered to be her pimp. Hence, ironically he formed alliance with her only for his own material gains.
The main character Bismillah is an Indian woman claiming to start over as an actress in Pakistan. The meaning of Bismillah is ‘starting with the name of Allah’. The name assigned to this character is ironic as she is an Indian prostitute. The impact of partition is quite strong for these two characters. Manto has assigned these names to describe the chaos of partition and how it proved traumatic for them.  Zaheer might have not considered becoming a pimp if his career had started in India. Bismillah might not have to hide her true identity, religion and ethnicity had she not stayed back in Pakistan as a captive. Hence their names correlate with the turmoil partition created in their lives.
The meaning of Saeed is ‘lucky and pious’. This is a very interesting name given by Manto to a character who is effortlessly seduced by the wife of his friend. His gaze highlights the irony of him being pious. However, he does get lucky when he finds out that the woman who’s eyes and body sexually allured him without her intention for seduction, is a prostitute working for his friend who is later discovered as the pimp before getting involved with her. 

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